Saturday, September 26, 2009

Window in Eternity..........

Unruffled window stood in eternity...
Songs of sparkling stars,glittering sun
Moon beam were heard from the window...
It coughed drooping leaves&twilit...
It showed Blooming buds and fragrance...
Alas!I never woke up.

I clutched my hands to the grills...
Oftimes...briny drops kissed the grills..
I leaned..and counted stars....
I sensed the world...
Oh! i never sensed the window...

Pall camouflaged ...
I dribbled through the pane...
ofttimes i shut & battered...
Yet It embraced my heartless thoughts..

I 'grew' and agnised...
Evermore undiminishing light remains
AS Beacon forever in my life...

Indeed,Dad is the window of my life...
the roots of my thoughts&seed of my wisdom..

Dad-My guide to the world around!

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