Sunday, November 30, 2008

An Ode to My Dying Motherland...

Lords tread,hunted&haunted..
Treasures torn apart....
Thy womb birthe great men
Mama's pride
fondled&fought for honour
wiped tears..
Beloved sparkled!

Nomore sons
Many more sins
God absent
Godmen present
Brute kicks &
Burries Truth
Nidus nibbled,
Lap lashed
Momma bleeds
uncontrollably weeps..
Jewels in thou crown
Virtuous voices
Ignorance seizes
Sinless slaughtered
Sinful survives!

Gaze Dear!
blazing fire
shalt extinguished
Pour strength...
Pervade truth
Hold the sword
Settle the scores
Smite unjust&brutish
There begins
A new DAWN..
To restore thy GLORY!


Shaan Menon said...

mmm.. good one.. simple.. words.. yet effective..not too long.. but says a lot...!

Anonymous said...

[god was always present :)
he sent those brave hearts to die for us :(
amma....we abandoned u...
we must ask ourself where we went wrong...]

..helplessness makes me angry..
will anger convert into strength..

Anil Sawan said...

i feel nothing scrawler.. its like i am dreaming all way.. my mind aint working.. no words at th moment.. ive never ben to mumbai.. yet i feel so close to it :-(

Traveller said...

When is my nation gonna have a leader? Knowing its wrong, i hope a military rule may prove better for the people of this country. Knowing I am all wrong, I support a WAR today.

Unknown said...
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vinny said...

deep one!
the time has come now..

Rajeswari said...

@vin..this is my response to ur poem 'Betrayed"

vinny said...

yes indeed I saw the connection...the little one creates a 'simple' version and the poetess creates the 'cryptic' versions! well, i could never word my feelings like this!!
probably, the germs there:)