Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Humanity is lost forever.Do we really feel the ache…or does it make any difference in our thoughts when millions of people suffer from poverty?Do we care when people around us lose their lives in the name of racism&religion?Aren’t we witnessing a degeneration in our value system?A humble act of .Love,Kindness can create a lot of difference.Albeit, we are wrapped by materialism.I wish to conclude this 3WW para with Albert einstein’s quote” “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of values.

(This post is based on 3WW..Words being ache,difference and suffer)


Judy said...

Not only is this a good way of using the words, it's a very true sentiment. Thankfully, I feel there are still pockets of people who care and, as the old song says, it is better to light just one little candle. I feel with your have.

Rajeswari said...

Thanks Judy!

Prasanth Moothedath said...

very well written.. the way u have combined the three words.. to form that .. is great...

Anonymous said...

humble thought!!!
great imagination !!!

Anil Sawan said...

hey hey hey.. humanity is not lost for ever.. not when you and me are still alive :p

Lucy said...

we have to hold on to the belief that it Can't be lost forever.
I loved this piece, very poignant.
very few of us left with values.

vinny said...

srawler, short n inspiring one...sensitive as usual.. lemme give 3WW a shot too ;)

but when will they give 3 easy words ???

vinny said...

hey scrawler..i did give it a shot..check my latest post :)

Anil Sawan said...

Check my new post. U got something there.