Sunday, November 30, 2008

An Ode to My Dying Motherland...

Lords tread,hunted&haunted..
Treasures torn apart....
Thy womb birthe great men
Mama's pride
fondled&fought for honour
wiped tears..
Beloved sparkled!

Nomore sons
Many more sins
God absent
Godmen present
Brute kicks &
Burries Truth
Nidus nibbled,
Lap lashed
Momma bleeds
uncontrollably weeps..
Jewels in thou crown
Virtuous voices
Ignorance seizes
Sinless slaughtered
Sinful survives!

Gaze Dear!
blazing fire
shalt extinguished
Pour strength...
Pervade truth
Hold the sword
Settle the scores
Smite unjust&brutish
There begins
A new DAWN..
To restore thy GLORY!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Caught up in a storm..
Yet unmoved by the disaster..
Dome turn to a deponent
Survived the famine and flood,
Overcame the hurricane!

Cooling showers wiped…
the dust & dirt.
Skies smiled in the
Company of Rainbows
And then came the sunny days!

Not a soul could demolish
The pillar
With an unwithered base
So are the human relations…

Together they weathered the storm..
And preserved the union.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Living souls & Begging
Move in Tandem..
Some beg for money…
Others for luxury
Few for words….
Rest for concern…

We pull close..
In times of drout
What a pity!
We kick&knock in the sequel..
Cognizant of neither
Consicence nor Conscious

We forget the past…
fails to forsee
Cloud nine makes us
Ignorance leads us
All through…
Yet, we wish..
To be called as
A living Soul!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


As your thoughts comes to my mind,
My eyes get filled with tears,
I wish you were here,
But,destiny has chosen something else for me…

The last stanza of the first poem I wrote "Mommy&Me"in my very first blog!Thats how I began my blogging journey.

When I resumed blogging after a long period of hibernation,I recommenced with another poem “Notes To My Mama”The concluding verses were…

When the pain of labour embraced me
Your memories were the balm
But no balm can heal
The wound of a motherless child
Time flies high
World changes..
But my love for you is eternal…

Yesterday,I hummed those verses …and I had a reason to do so…I received a cheque from Tehelka(quite unexpected!) amounting to 2500/- as contributor’s payment(For my contribution to Personal History Column)My first reward in life!While opening the cover,I remembered the dolorific past! And …I smiled… a gesture of gratitude to all the bitter memories…rather..I thanked my thankless past!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Time Pass......

I'm posting sawan's questionnaire
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Something I have and YOU want?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression of me?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. How do you see me in the future?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what i say about you?

I really dont know who would have time for this :-) time is sure a luxury these days!)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3WW Blush,Quiver,Tenderness

Bridal thoughts gently touched...
Conversing in silence began…
Hero’s thoughts flushed
It made her blush
Then came the lush…
Palanquin&palatial plushy
Quiver tinged her….
Saw her flutter&glitter
Strolled with a constant feeling..
of tenderness….
Began feeling him..
In her breath& dreams…
She longed and waited..

Was that a crush
Or love
Will he come to take her?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Au revoir or An Ode From a lost treasure?

Each day I renew my hopes..
To smile…
Nothing can prevent
the briny tears…
Rolls down my cheeks
Each drop reminds the
Sacrifices made for you.
Veil prevents me
From screaming.
My heart throbs
My voice chokes…
I wish…let the
World know YOU
But if i cry aloud..
I fear..the
world will reject YOU.
All that I do is
Uncontrollably weep…
For your eternal

Link to vins theory of relativity

(Even though i don’t forgive(explicitly)for the eternal mistakes..,somewhere ..i am doing the act of forgiveness..isn’t it Vins?the more we understand a person..the more we take care of not doing boundless sacrifices to make them me such people deserve forgiveness?Even if we forgive..can we forget?)

The tree is a synonym of 'HUMANE'...But,we are 'Humans'

Here M implies Mistakes
T implies Tears
S implies Sacrifices
and the paradox is the above three are eternal!

in spite of the eternal 'M'...and eternal 'S'.. how should i define myself? A humane?or just Human?

I am not a 'Banyan Tree" for sure..But i swear..i have been a lil casaurina...who gives a tinge of relief during scorching heat!

Vins can u create an equation using the above m,t& s?

My personal history says i'm weak in Maths ;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life flows with
Mysterious thoughts
boundless hopes&longingness
Veils conceals
You, me and our
Fake smiles and fears.
Nest of desire camouflaged
Few Gently spoken…
But Many muted
Some flutters With gravity…
Behind eyes…
Unseen for the world around.
Subtle nuances..of wishes…
Cannot be perceived
Or tinged by anyone
For they are locked
Deep inside forever.